During the aspiring Lady Gaga performance, Intel showed their projection technology by projecting make up and other things on Lady Gaga's face. This promotes the latest, most expensive and most exclusive technology to be used in live performances. "Gaga's performance was billed as "experiential" and "multisensory" in the run-up to the show, terms that ended up alluding to the heavy use of computer graphics, holography, and live video processing." They also showed off the moving keyboard that Lady Gaga played. I don't know whats more impressive, the moving keyboard, or the fact that Lady Gaga could play on it. While some may have been struck with Gaga's performance, others were bothered by the Intel commercials that incorporated Lady Gaga's company "House of Gaga."
A controversial commercial played after the performance, describing how Intel has partnered up with House of Gaga to make the musical experience better and more enjoyable. But as good as the commercial and performance were, it almost seemed staged. Personally, I believe that Intel used this opportunity to show off their effects. "Hey, here are some new inspirational advancements in technology made by Intel....oh yeah and a David Bowie tribute." That's the feeling it sent to me. "Lady Gaga and Intel have been accused of exploiting the singer's David Bowie tribute at the Grammys for their own commercial gain."
"Bowie's son's reaction was quite tempered, the response of the late musician's fans on the internet was quite vitriolic. One person wrote on Twitter: 'It was awful and using it to sell intel [sic] right after is a disgrace. Shameful.'" These are just some feelings expressed about Lady Gaga and Intel.
This could also {Intel} be a step forward in broadcast television because of the exclusiveness of this technology. It is too expensive to be used at any other concert, so only at the annual award shows, which are held on broadcast television, will it be shown. This will help views and popularity of broadcast tv to rise up once again.
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